Katie a Ben přicestovali do České republiky z Velké Británie, aby si po 3 letech čekání (z důvodu covidu) řekli své ANO na zámku Dobříš. I přesto, že s sebou přivezli proslulý britský déšť, se následné focení v centru Prahy vydařilo a vznikly z něj božské fotky. Hostina a večerní party se konala v Grand Hotelu Bohemia, na které nás svatebčané naučily proslulý Time Warp dance. Na to budeme ještě dlouho vzpomínat!
Místo: Zámek Dobříš
Datum: 20. srpna 2022
Recenze: I don´t even know how to start thanking Martina for her help with the wedding. Martina started planning our wedding after having to rearrange twice due to covid and has been an absolute lifesaver. She had to deal with rearranging all of the vendors and finding new dates which she managed to do without us having to choose anyone else. Martina knew what we wanted so well, that we were happy to take any suggestions she passed on to us to make sure everything went perfectly with some added extras we would never have thouht of, but made the day even better – she is probably one of the nicest people we have ever met! On the day of the wedding Martina went over and above for us and we could not have asked for a better person to help us along the way – I don´t know what we would have done without her and we really appreciate everything she has done for us.