Personal Experience Personal experience is the direct experience of an individual. This is a type of evidence and storytelling that is commonly used in public speaking, interviews and academic work such as essays and research. Personal experience is typically contrasted with professional experience that results from work. Personal experiences are essentially what we feel and
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Pár slov o mně Po studiu, zaměřeném na podnikovou ekonomiku a management obchodu, směřovaly mé aktivity do světa svateb. Stala jsem se certifikovanou svatební koordinátorkou a majitelkou půjčovny svatebních dekorací All for wedding. Organizace a plánování je mým koníčkem, protože právě tady mohu zužitkovat své puntičkářství a pustit uzdu kreativitě.
Číst víceKarolína
Personal Experience Personal experience is the direct experience of an individual. This is a type of evidence and storytelling that is commonly used in public speaking, interviews and academic work such as essays and research. Personal experience is typically contrasted with professional experience that results from work. Personal experiences are essentially what we feel and
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