What does a wedding coordinator do?
We often see people asking “What does a wedding coordinator even do?”, they are being told they need one, but are unfamiliar with what the duties of a coordinator even are. Here are 5 things that a wedding coordinator will do for you.
01 We “Check your work”
We comb through all the details to make sure that everything needed on wedding day will be there and that no aspect has been forgotten. There must be everything relating with wedding to avoid unexpected payments after wedding.
02 We take over vendor communication
As your wedding day draws closer you will get busier. Guests may be coming into town, there are parties to attend, your normal life is still happening, and you probably are tired of chatting with vendors about the logistical points of your wedding day. Your coordinator should take this over for you. We personally love seeing the looks of relief on our client’s faces when we tell them that we will be handling vendor communication from here till the end of the wedding.
03 We build your timeline
The timeline is the master document of the wedding day and dictates how your day will flow. It needs to be rigid enough to ensure everything will get done in your allotted rental times but also flexible enough that if something needs to be shifted a little it is easy to do. Your coordinator should be an expert in all things timeline, they should be able to ask you how you want your day to flow and build a timeline that will reflect your vision but also accounts for functionality and practicality.
04 We oversee everything on wedding day
A wedding coordinator will be the one who orchestrates the entire wedding day. They will oversee everything from set up to tear down. They will be the onsite contact for all vendors. They will make sure everyone is in place for the ceremony, and that all reception activities happen when and how they are supposed to. They will troubleshoot any issues that may come up. In essence they handle all the behind-the-scenes aspects so that you and your guests can just enjoy the show.
05 We are your advocate
Our job is to make sure your wedding day goes off just the way you envisioned it. We are there to make your life easier. We represent you and implement the plan you decided on during those pre-wedding planning calls. Have a vendor who wants to go rogue and do their own thing? We will keep them on track.
A wedding coordinator takes the pressure of making your wedding day flow smoothly off your shoulders. They make it possible for you to enjoy your wedding day because you will not be worrying about “what is coming next” you will simply be enjoying each moment as it comes.
If you still don´t have a wedding coordinator, don´t hesitate to contact us and we can have a non-binding call.
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